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Our unique philosophy -
"agent" for experts

When we entered the recruitment field with a focus on consulting firms more than two decades ago, we knew our success hinged on working with only the very best candidates in any given discipline…

We build client profit centers in
existing or complementary practices
We enjoy C-Level relationships within the top 10 consulting, litigation support and law firms
We work with the top 1% of testifying experts in the US
Our career placements have generated nine-figure billing revenue increase for client companies
We represent top-school economists, MBAs, CPAs and attorneys at all levels
We have placed individuals promoted to global leadership roles

Who We Place

Individuals, Groups, Practices or Firms of prominent Economists, Data Scientists, Attorneys, Accountants and MBAs.

Who We Work With

• Law firms
• Litigation support firms
• Accounting firms
• Management consulting firms

Areas of Specialization

• International Tax/Transfer Pricing
• Litigation Support/Expert Witness Testimony
• Forensic Accounting and Investigations
• Bankruptcy & Restructuring
• Business Valuation
• Data Analytics & Cybersecurity

  • NERA ECONOMIC CONSULTING – Represented prestigious transfer pricing firm HORST & FRISCH in Washington, DC. The transaction involved the hiring of Thomas Meyer as Director and Richard Bruch as Associate Director, and establishing affiliate consulting arrangements with co-founder Dr. Daniel Frisch, Dr. Barbara Rollinson and Dr. Scott Newlin. Dr. Frisch is a widely recognized authority on the economics of transfer pricing, international tax policy, and revenue estimation in international tax issues. Dr. Rollinson has provided guidance to US and foreign multinational corporations as well as various tax authorities to assist with tax planning, documentation, controversy, and advance pricing agreements. Dr. Newlin has provided expert analysis to US and foreign-based multinationals and to the IRS and state and foreign tax authorities. He has testified before the US Tax Court and the House Ways and Means Committee.
  • ECON ONE CONSULTING – Represented and helped integrate GREATBRIDGE CONSULTING, a national economic consulting firm specializing in IP, in Washington, DC. The acquisition involved Krista Holt, a highly-regarded testifying expert in IP as Managing Director, and team of five. GreatBridge provided expertise in economic damages, surveys, marketing, valuation, licensing and litigation support services for intellectual property, antitrust, commercial damages, class action, and business consulting.
  • ECON ONE CONSULTING – Represented DATA SCIENCE PARTNERS, a boutique litigation support firm and economic and data driven consultancy, in New York. Among those joining was Atanu SahaManaging DirectorAlex RenaudoManaging Director, and three other staff. DSP Chairman Saha brought 20 years of business and litigation consulting specializing in the application of economics and finance to complex business issues, with a focus on data analysis.
  • ECON ONE CONSULTING – Introduced a group in antitrust, consumer protection and regulation from ECONOMISTS, INC., in Washington, DC. Dr. Hal Singer, an award-winning PhD economist, joined Econ One as a Managing DirectorKevin Caves, as Senior Economist, also followed, along with three staff. Dr. Singer was a testifying expert in competition-related litigation, including the certification in courts of 15 classes, and assisted regulatory agencies in the United States and Canada. He was honored with an antitrust enforcement award by the American Antitrust Institute.
  • BERKELEY RESEARCH GROUP – Represented expert economics team from ERS GROUP, specializing in Labor & Employment matters, in Tallahassee, FL. The group was comprised of testifying experts Drs. Mary Dunn Baker and Janet R. Thornton, who joined as Managing Directors, along with staff. Dr. Baker presented expert testimony regarding statistical analysis of employment practices and estimates of economic losses before federal and state courts and in other judicial settings. Dr. Thornton testified as an expert witness in federal court and administrative hearings. She prepared economic and statistical analyses involving allegations of gender, race, ethnicity and age discrimination in a variety of employment practices.
  • CHARLES RIVER ASSOCIATES – Represented nationally-known forensic practice from LECG in Dallas, TX. The acquisition included Jeffrey G. Matthews, CPA/CFE, who joined as Vice President. Mr. Matthews had opened and led the LECG practice, and a team of five others. Mr. Matthews brought 20 years of experience in financial investigations, forensic accounting, valuation and litigation support. He had calculated damages resulting from breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, diminution of value, and misappropriation of trade secrets. Mr. Matthews had testified in multiple civil and criminal matters at state and Federal levels.
  • K&LGATES – International Tax Attorney MARCELLIN N. MBWA-MBOMA as a Tax Partner in the Corporate practice of global law firm K&L Gates in Houston, TX. Mr. Mbwa-Mboma had been an experienced Principal with Ernst & Young in New York. His practice focused on life sciences and private equity funds in the areas of US taxation of cross-border acquisitions, dispositions, restructurings, and financing and supply chain with a focus on tax planning.
  • ALVAREZ & MARSAL TAXAND – Transfer pricing attorney SEAN C. TRAHAN as a Managing Director in New York. Mr. Trahan had been a Senior Partner in Transfer Pricing/International Tax at Ernst & Young. During a span of 22 years, Mr. Trahan’s assignments included leadership roles in the Carolinas, the EU, London and New York. Mr. Trahan’s primary areas of concentration included intellectual property (IP) planning and value chain optimization, as well as complex controversy management for large multinationals.
  • SKADDEN ARPS – International transfer pricing attorney DAVID FARHAT as a Tax Partner in Washington, DC. Mr. Farhat was previously a Tax Principal with Ernst & Young where he advised some of the largest companies in North America, Europe and Asia on their most complex multijurisdictional tax issues. Mr. Farhat has extensive experience in resolving contentious and complex transfer pricing disputes, and during his career he had built significant relationships with tax authorities both in the U.S. and internationally. Previously, Mr. Farhat worked at the IRS for nearly a decade and handled a variety of issues involving the Advance Pricing and Mutual Agreement (APMA) program.
  • THE BRATTLE GROUP – DR. ARA STEPANYAN, as Principal in the firm’s Tax Controversy and Transfer Pricing Practice, based in Boston, MA.Prior to joining Brattle, Dr. Stepanyan was previously a Principal at a firm focused on economics, strategy, and technology. His work spanned tax and transfer pricing controversies, bankruptcy and restructuring, international arbitration, and forensic economics. Dr. Stepanyan assisted clients with applying causal data science techniques to develop data-driven business strategies and performance improvement solutions.
  • KORN FERRY INTERNATIONAL – NICK FRANKLIN, an expert in the HR aspects of mergers and acquisitions, as Advisory Market Leader for Private Equity North America in New York. Mr. Franklin had been a Principal with Ernst & Young focused on large, complex M&As over multiple geographies. Mr. Franklin had experience with all aspects of the deal life cycle and HR operations and strategies.
  • MAYER BROWN – Attorney SUNGHAK “ANDY” BAIK, as International Tax Partner in San Francisco, CA. Mr. Baik was previously a Partner with Ernst & Young where he served as the Private Equity sector international tax leader leading a team of professionals across the Americas, and as the global sovereign wealth fund tax leader. During his almost 30-year career with E&Y, he held assignments at the National Tax Office at offices in Washington, New York, Singapore and Korea.
  • DLA PIPER  BARBARA MACE PHD as Principal Economist with the Transfer Pricing practice at the international law firm in New York. Barbara was previously the Transfer Pricing Leader with the Financial Services Office with Ernst & Young. In that position, She created EY’s U.S. Transfer Pricing group in the Financial Services Office in 2005 and grew it to 50 plus professionals and more than $20M in revenues.
  • NERA ECONOMIC CONSULTING ADAM WARREN as a Managing Director in the Securities and Financial Services practice of the firm in Chicago. Adam had previously been a Managing Director at Duff & Phelps (now Kroll). Adam brought 28 years of experience providing consulting and expert witness testimony services to the Securities and Financial Services Industry. Adam assisted over 15 securities and derivative exchanges, as well as numerous brokerage, clearing, hedge funds and investment management companies globally.
  • ALVAREZ & MARSAL TAXAND – MARC ALMS, an expert practitioner in Transfer Pricing, as Managing Director, Transfer Pricing, in New York. Mr. Alms was previously a Managing Director with KPMG, where he was responsible for strategy and execution regarding APA and Competent Authority agreements, and controversy matters. He had been focused on technology, biotechnology, consumer products, auto, pharmaceuticals and financial services sectors.
  • BERKELEY RESEARCH GROUP – Attorney and forensic technologist MARGARET DALEY as Managing Director/ Leader in the investigations and forensic technology practice, based in Chicago, IL. Ms. Daley was previously Managing Director with Duff & Phelps, where she was Co-Chair of the firm’s Forensic Technology and Analytics practice group. She brought 20 years of investigations, electronic discovery, dispute resolution and regulatory experience. Ms. Daley conducted high-profile financial fraud, money laundering and due diligence investigations.
  • ALVAREZ & MARSAL – Competition Economist TAZNEEM AZAD as Managing Director, Competition, Regulatory and Public Policy, in  London, UK. Ms. Azad provided economic advice to companies and public sector bodies worldwide on competition, regulatory and public policy issues. She brought particular experience within financial services, insurance, media, information, advertising and network industries. Projects included UK and EC competition and merger investigations, market inquiries, utility regulation (price controls, network access and interconnection, and structural separation), financial and profitability analysis, cost-benefit assessments, among others.
  • CHARLES RIVER & ASSOCIATES – Economist DR. RICHARD V.L.COOPER, as Vice President focusing on global tax issues. Dr. Cooper was co-founder of the Transfer Pricing practice At Ernst and Young.
  • KPMG – DR. HENRI J. CHAOUL as Global Partner In Charge of the Transfer Pricing practice located in Chicago and Paris. Dr. Chaoul had come from a strategic consulting background with both A.T. Kearney and The Monitor Group.
Our mission statement
To enrich our clients, candidates and friends in simultaneously helping them grow their careers and profit centers. To provide our clients viable career and business options that coincide with their professional goals. To consult and assist our clients with navigating the dangerous minefield of acquiring luminaries, practices or firms.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

– Albert Einstein

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Steve Allen 713-591-6237
Rob Stevenson 832-506-3868

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Rob Stevenson: rstevenson@asagrowth.com

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